Monzo, originally a beloved and quirky challenger brand, has since evolved into a trusted financial institution, redefining how the mainstream manages their money.
We partnered with Monzo’s brand team to bring their new strategic direction to life internally. Our role was to ensure this vision felt authentic and true to the brand's roots, while supporting its transformation.
This required us to distil the essence of Monzo’s evolution into a coherent and dynamic system that could work seamlessly across all touchpoints.
At the heart of this transformation was The Book of Monzo — a comprehensive digital brand platform that became the cornerstone of Monzo’s new identity. More than just a style guide, The Book of Monzo serves as both a strategic guide and a practical tool, aligning employees and stakeholders with the brand’s values, voice, and visual language.
It’s a dynamic, interactive resource that ensures consistency while allowing flexibility across all touchpoints. The platform outlines the strategic pillars of the brand shift, provides visual assets, and offers detailed guidance on tone of voice — empowering the team to stay united in their approach. By consolidating everything into one accessible digital resource, we made it easy for Monzo’s evolving strategy to be communicated and adapted throughout the business.
As this was an internal brand project, we can't share it in public.